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Pastel Drawing Ideas For Beginners: Tips To Get Started

soft pastels beginners soft pastel artwork by a 9 year old student
soft pastels beginners soft pastel artwork by a 9 year old student from www.pinterest.jp

Bienvenidos! Drawing with pastels is a beautiful and fun way to explore your creativity. Whether you're new to art or looking to expand your skills, this guide will provide you with some easy and inspiring pastel drawing ideas for beginners. With just a few materials and some helpful tips, you'll be able to create stunning pastel drawings that you'll be proud to display.

Materials Needed

Before we get started, let's go over the materials you'll need. Pastels come in two forms: soft and hard. Soft pastels are easier to blend and work with, while hard pastels are more precise and can be used for detailed work. Here's what you'll need:

  • Soft pastels
  • Pastel paper or a heavy-weight drawing paper
  • A blending tool (such as a blending stump or your fingers)
  • Fixative spray

Easy Pastel Drawing Ideas for Beginners

1. A Beautiful Sunset

One of the easiest pastel drawing ideas for beginners is to create a beautiful sunset. Start by choosing a few colors that you like and drawing a horizon line. Then, use your pastels to create a gradient effect, starting with the lightest color at the top and gradually getting darker towards the bottom. Blend the colors together with your blending tool and add any additional details, such as clouds or birds in the sky.

2. A Colorful Flower Garden

Pastels are perfect for creating colorful and vibrant flower gardens. Start by drawing the outline of your garden and then use your pastels to fill in the flowers and plants. Experiment with different colors and blending techniques to create a beautiful and realistic garden scene.

3. A Cute Animal

Whether you choose to draw a cat, dog, or any other animal, pastels are great for creating soft and fluffy textures. Start by drawing the outline of your animal and then use your pastels to fill in the fur. Use your blending tool to create a realistic texture and add any additional details, such as eyes or a nose.

Helpful Tips for Pastel Drawing Beginners

1. Start with Light Colors

When working with pastels, it's important to start with the lightest colors first and gradually build up to the darker colors. This will help you create a more realistic and blended effect.

2. Experiment with Blending Techniques

There are many different blending techniques you can use with pastels, including using your fingers, a blending stump, or a brush. Experiment with different techniques to find the one that works best for you.

3. Use Fixative Spray

Once you've finished your pastel drawing, spray it with fixative spray to help protect it from smudging and fading.


Congratulations! You've learned some easy and inspiring pastel drawing ideas for beginners. With just a few materials and some helpful tips, you'll be able to create beautiful pastel drawings that you'll be proud to display. Remember to start with light colors, experiment with blending techniques, and use fixative spray to protect your artwork. Happy drawing!

¡Feliz dibujo!

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